Thursday, August 7, 2014

Your New BFF... Class Dojo!

Class management is something that every teacher struggles with. Some don't like to admit it, but it is okay... we all struggle and that's okay! I am going into my 11th year teaching (when did THAT happen) and I can honestly say that classroom management is the weakest link in my chain, therefore it is the one that I have to constantly strengthen to ensure that my chain doesn't break. 

Last year, I was at wits end. My classes weren't bad. They just were on the cusp of being a little too big for their britches. Anyone else have a class like that? Okay... put your hands down now. Luckily I have many amazing teacher pals and when I was talking to one of these ladies one afternoon she asked if I had ever tried Class Dojo. At this point, I had heard about Class Dojo but hadn't really looked into it. 

I went home that night, and I fell in love and knew that this was just what I was looking for!

Class Dojo is an easy, FREE way for you to monitor and boost student engagement in your classroom with just the click of a button! Students can create their own avatars, monitor their behaviors on their phones or devices, and parents can even log in daily to check on how their child was that day! How great is that?! 

The best way I learn is to get in there and play, but before you do that here is a cheat sheet of information for you about Class Dojo. (If you click on the picture it will link you to this sheet so that you can print it.)

So now it is time to create an account and go play! Make up your "fun" class and then play around until you get the hang of it. There are videos on the site as well as forums where other teachers have given their ideas and input for using it in the classroom. Our best resource is each other... so go to your colleagues and see what they are doing! 

Here are some great resources to help you get started with Class Dojo in your classroom, and the best thing is... they are FREE too!! 

          Class Dojo Weekly Behavior Tracker by Jed Dearybury

        Class Dojo Resource Pacy by Mrs. Possum's Classroom 

There are many different ways to incorporate Class Dojo into your classroom so don't feel like you have to do it like everyone else! Be creative and make it work for you! Have fun and let the pinging begin!! 
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